I grew up with this view from Richmond Hill on my doorstep. As a student I pulled pints at the Roebuck pub where the customers take their drinks out onto the terrace in summer and enjoy this view.

Now I realise that this view from Richmond Hill has inspired painters and writers for centuries. It was painted by the great 18th and 19th century English artists, Constable, Turner, Reynolds and Gainsborough who lived near Richmond.

At the time, there must have been many such beautiful views nearby, but now the sprawl of London has nibbled at its edges, threatening it with an estate agent’s dream of residential development. Were it not for the protection of an Act of Parliament in 1902, the view might no longer exist.

A hundred years later in 2002 an art exhibition was held to celebrate this view and a book published, from which I can share these pictures. Now we can hope that the view will be preserved for many more generations to enjoy.

Let poets rave of Arno’s stream,
And painters of the winding Rhine
I will not ask a lovlier dream,
A sweeter scene, fair Thames, than thine;
As neath a summer’s sun decline,
Thou wanderst at thine own sweet will,
Reflecting from thy face divine
The flower-wreathed brow of Richmond Hill.
Do you have a view near you that inspires you? And will it still be there in another hundred years?
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From top to bottom the pictures are;
Barbara Rich on Flickr,
Evening, Richmond Hill by Jane Corsellis
First snow, Richmond Hill by Jane Corsellis
Richmond Hill on the Prince Regent’s birthday by Turner
The Thames from Richmond Hill by Jeremy Barlow
Richmond Hill by Edward King
Autumn by J P Trevor
From Richmond Hill by Ruth Stage
Cover of The View book by Carl Laubin
Poem by Alairic Alexander Watts, 1797-1864
This article is originally published at Heatheronhertravels.com
Chiswick - a fine place to stay in London | Heather on her travels
Wednesday 14th of November 2012
[...] Harriet LevyMore things to see in West LondonThe botanical travels of Marianne North at Kew Gardens The view from Richmond Hill Down by the river in RichmondPhoto Credits: Chiswick House by Diamond Geezer, Chiswick Bridge by [...]
Friday 31st of August 2012
Do you still have the name of this book?
Monday 3rd of September 2012
@RJ The Book is The View - An Exhibition about Richmond Hill. April-May 2003 Waterstones Piccadilly & May-July Orleans House Gallery. My Parents bought it at an exhibition of the paintings at Oleans House Gallery some time ago. You may find a second hand copy somewhere.
Monday 30th of January 2012
@ Darren Thanks for letting me know - I have a great view of Richmond hill in my hall much like this one - my parents still live there so I get back fairly often too
Monday 23rd of January 2012
It's a great view / area, the painting you feature by JP Trevor is going up for sale at Devon and Cornwall Auction Rooms on the 4th Feb 2012 if anyone would like to take the view home.
Marianne North Gallery at Kew Gardens, London | Heather on her travels
Tuesday 22nd of March 2011
[...] The View from Richmond Hill [...]